Friday, June 5, 2009

Was that really necessary?

Daniel is out of town for a couple nights and I am not super comfortable sleeping in my house alone. I did all the right stuff last night to ensure a decent night's sleep: I checked the closets, locked all the doors, left on lots of lights and had an extra glass of wine. When I went to bed around 11, I felt confident and was glad that nothing had gotten me anxious. I knew sleep would come quickly. Around 2am, I woke up to the sound of our house alarm screeching. Then the power went out. Seriously. The power flashed on and off a few times and each time, the alarm went on and off accordingly. I was completely disoriented and scared to death. I called Daniel and sound sleeper that he is, he didn't answer. Thank God for my mom, who picked up on the second ring. I checked outside sure that a storm was causing power flashes and the related alarm sounds... It was totally still and I heard a car door slam outside. Well, that was enough for me. I grabbed my purse and in my pajamas and general disarray, I drove to the nearest hotel. I brought nothing with me except a Runner's World magazine and hammer (just to make sure I could make it to the car safely). I know the folks at the front desk likely thought I was crazy, but hey, the credit card went through. I have decided to acknowledge that I am not brave and I hate sleeping in this house alone. As such, I am headed to a nearby resort tonight at a reasonable hour. I plan to take a good book, enjoy a bubble bath and then sleep well. Thankfully, Daniel will be home tomorrow!


Jackie said...

I know that feeling, but never even thought to go to a hotel. At least you can use it as a mini-vaca.

Adrienne said...

Did you ever find out what caused the alarm to go off? I don't blame you -- I'd be terrified, too! Hope things calmed down for you (and that you didn't die on your run yesterday...)

: )