Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm All Jacked Up on Mountain Dew!

Well, the GMAT came and went. I feel like that might be all I have to say, which probably gives you some indication about how pleased I am with the result. I did raise my score slightly. Sadly, I went from a 95% to a 97% on verbal and from a 66% to a 67% on math. Since we all know that speaking english clearly is not a requirement for college professors, the verbal score is hardly worth the paper it's printed on. I am moaning about an overall score in the 92nd percentile, but I had hoped for a little more mathematical progress. *************************************************************************************I selected my top five schools before taking the test and here's the list: 1) Univ. of North Carolina 2) Univ. of Wisconsin 3) Univ. of Maryland 4) Univ. of Arizona and 5) Univ. of Utah. I will leave the obvious conflict between my love for alcohol and my applying to a school in Salt Lake unexplored. I will also have to pretend I am in jail if I decide to select the Univ. of Arizona since my family is composed of die hard Sun Devils. For an ASU fan, it would generally be better for a family member to be incarcerated than to attend U of A. Carolina is my dream school all around, but don't let them know, I don't want to seem over eager. I will add 1-2 more schools to the mix, but these five lead the pack. ************************************************************************************* The best part of taking the GMAT was how I spent the rest of my day off. I got to eat lunch at California Pizza Kitchen with my husband, get a massage and then finish the day like any budding accounting scholar... I drank a bottle of champagne while watching Talladega Nights and then sang my heart out to a few of my favorite Guitar Hero World Tour songs. I can almost guarantee that a person who gets a good score on the math portion of the GMAT probably wouldn't enjoy an evening spent in this manner, so I guess I am happy just the way I am. If I have to pick between Ricky Bobby and grad school, I'll take Ricky Bobby any day.


Adrienne said...

Congrats on completing the GMAT, and the 92nd percentile is awesome!

Oh, and my family all went to ASU (for multiple degrees), except my brother, who went to Arizona. We still love him.

Jackie said...

I'm rooting for anything where I can drive to visit you. Go Univ of MD! :)

The Boring Runner said...

Wow, CPK followed by a massage?! Usually, I eat so much there that those two back to back would be a very dangrous combination.