Sunday, August 24, 2008

Alaska or Bust!

We leave first thing tomorrow morning for a week in Alaska. This trip will be our first true “vacation” since our honeymoon exactly one year ago. Neither one of us has been to the 49th state before and we really just came up with this idea a few weeks ago. Here’s our itinerary to give you a flavor: Monday – Fly to Anchorage & check out the sights there Tuesday – Drive to Denali National Park and spend the evening at a Salmon Bake Wednesday – Take the nine-hour shuttle bus into Denali and hopefully see all kinds of wildlife and maybe a glimpse of McKinley Thursday – Raft on the Nenana River in the morning and head back to Anchorage for the night Friday – Ride the early morning train to Seward (supposedly incredibly scenic) and upon arrival, take a helicopter ride to a glacier where we will drive (mush?) a team of sled dogs Saturday – Take a boat tour of the Kenai Fjords for animal and glacier viewing Sunday – Hike back to the Harding Ice Fields Monday – Head back to ABQ (and toast our anniversary with a glass of champagne) Have a great week, I know we will!
(P.S. We decided somewhere during the packing process that it would be really COOL if we were able to take eight days worth of Alaska stuff in carry-ons instead of checking any luggage. We managed the feat and will be heading to Alaska (land of the 50 degree highs) for eight days with two little rolling suitcases. This should be interesting...)

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Oh my! You guys are my hero's. I couldn't pull off a trip like that, much less on two rolling suitcases!

Have fun :) Can't wait to see pics when you get back.