I have to say thanks to all my wonderful friends and tell you that you certainly were a big part of what allowed Daniel and I to finish the marathon a few weeks ago. (We probably owe you some of the champagne in the picture, but we seem to have finished it all...) *********************************************************************************** During the run, we both carried the 26 slips of paper that you all filled out and sent in. The combination of the words you wrote were at once encouraging, hilarious, biblical, motivational, and lewd. I think those adjectives aptly sum up my menagerie of friends and that makes me very grateful. ********************************************************************************** At one point around mile 16, I realized that the baggie containing my slips had broken and was only half full. I turned around and realized that they were strewn over the last 1/4 mile. To let you know how important they were, I walked that 1/4 mile back...in the rain...uphill...and bent over to retrieve those little slips of paper. Essentially, those slips were my lifeline in the last ten miles and you are great friends for participating with me by sending your words, or in the case of one friend, the wise words of Britney Spears. Thanks, you are exactly the friends I hoped for!
Yeah! So glad we could all be there with you in some way. That was a great idea you had.
That is possibly the best post marathon picture ever. Wine and ocean!
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