Friday, January 30, 2009

Is this what being 30 feels like?

I posted a couple weeks ago about my fledgling jogging "hobby" (aka adventure in masochism). I have spent the last two weeks with a bag of peas always near my person, frequently on my right knee. My knee has felt unnatural and generally painful since the last time I ran, which was over two weeks ago. On Sunday, I head out to run a Superbowl 5K. This was in my initial training plan and I will admit that the wings offered at the end of the run provide some motivation. I hope my knee can keep up with the rest of me for 3 miles (or a little longer), since I am determined to run on Sunday. We are now just slightly over seven months from race day and I will be ready...

1 comment:

Jackie said...

E, I hope your knee gets better the more you run. Congrats on the completion of today's race!