I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was charged by a squirrel in my back yard. One afternoon’s terror has now turned into an all-out war. One squirrel has now turned into two squirrels. Apparently, the little guy called his squirrel friends and said, “There are some low-lying, relatively healthy plants over here. Let’s party!” As such, a squirrel festival has been going on in my back yard for two weeks. They have eaten all my potted flowers and generally made me afraid to go in my back yard. Today I noticed them eating the plastic cover on our outdoor fireplace.
It’s really pleasant in ABQ at night right now and if it weren’t for a) my fear of getting bitten which would inevitably result in a lifetime of rabies and b) my fear of the minions somehow sneaking through the opened back door into the house, we would be outside enjoying the end of summer. When I water “the stubs formerly known as flowers” the minions have left behind, I usually ask my husband for “cover,” since I am convinced they are waiting to attack. Besides that, I avoid the back yard at all costs and wait for them to discover the still semi-healthy plants in the front yard.
Through some online research, I have learned that the pest control experts say home remedies don’t work (surprise, surprise – how else do they make money) and that as soon as the little buggers get into your house, you are toast. There is a guy called the “
Skunk Whisperer” that serves the ABQ area and I can just picture us chasing around squirrels together in my home. The image may be mildly amusing for those that don’t have to participate, but for me it’s a reason to always make sure the backdoor is secure.
For all those reasons, I have decided to give my backyard over to the squirrels... temporarily. With any luck, our dog, Riley, will be coming home from summer camp soon and I have a feeling “Squirrel Festival 2008” might feel a little crowded once my perpetually hungry mutt arrives.
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