For some reason, I have been in a slight funk this week. I have learned that the quickest way to kick a funk (at least for me) is to pack the kids up in the car and head to Peter Piper Pizza. Now mind you, I don't have any kids, but that doesn't stop D. and I from going. I guess it's always been a favorite of mine, I actually went there for either my 19th or 20th birthday several years back, by choice. Since we moved to Albuquerque, we have spent occasional "date nights" there when we both needed a little stress relief. As an aside, most Peter Piper Pizza's serve beer. That said, if you plan on going I would advise strongly against Fridays and Saturdays, unless you like being accosted by screaming kids that aren't your own.
This time was especially "rad" since my good friend Emily gave me a gift card to Peter Piper when I got married last year and so this trip was going to be "on her." If you are a Peter Piper Executive, stop reading here. For some reason, the folks at our local Peter Piper could figure out how to use the gift card and just comped our whole meal, tokens included. That means Emily really provided several visits "on her." I told D. that when you get something you shouldn't get free for free, you'll have to overpay for something else to keep the universe in equilibrium. He seems unconvinced.
Here's D. loving his Galaga. Watching him play really gives me a window into his life before me. He's quite good, but oddly passionate about the game.
There's me on the Dance Dance Revolution machine. There will usually be a couple junior high kids playing and we have to stare them down until they get scared or run out of tokens. We played three rounds, I only won one... D. is a dancin' machine.
Here's to a stress free weekend!!
That was a great gift idea from Emily!
Now I know exactly how one plays Dance, Dance Revolution :)
I have had Peter Piper two times this week...all the in-laws think the Tait's obsession with Peter Piper is strange. It's nice to know we are not the only ones who believe all life's problems can be solved with a good Peter Piper trip.
I'm so happy you have a blog now! It has been added to my bookmarks.
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