Tonight was a four-mile night, which isn't that long considering I am going to attempt to run 26.2 miles at one time in September. That said, it's tough to jam the run in between work and darkness. I knew that I was going to be cutting it close since I really don't like to run in the dark by myself. I got through all but the last mile in pretty much daylight, but then darkness settled in and I started to freak out.
To add insult to injury, I decided to wear my prescription sunglasses on the run. It wasn't the best logic, but I generally think that if people saw my eyes as I ran, they would see that with each step I wince a little and I don't need their pity. Sunglasses have one main purpose: to block light. Sadly, they did a bang up job of this tonight and I was nearly blind for the last mile. I even took off the glasses for a while to see if my horrible vision was better than total darkness.
Also in the last mile, I started to chafe really badly in my under arm area (code name: armpit). I tried to adjust my shirt and sports bra to mitigate the damage and realized that I was actually being gradually stabbed by a renegade bra underwire. Here's the thing, I love my bra. I generally sleep in it and I run in it too (despite wearing a sports bra). The underwire made a break for it during the run (I don't blame it) and my skin blocked its escape. I bet I am the only person who has ever removed the underwire from their bra while running... I also wanted to be "special" and now I am.
So, I have a hole/bruise/scratch from where my bra attacked me during my run in the dark. I think that is grandly ironic since I was so concerned about injury due to attack by a mad man while I ran in the dark. Turns out bras are far more dangerous!